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What if my grief was my gold?

By | health & well-being, spirituality, women's life changes and transitions, Written Articles | No Comments

Grief…We’re told to get over it, get through it, get to the end of it or to get a grip on it (or ourselves) should we veer off in uncontrollable crying, outbursts or other outpourings of overpowering emotions, thoughts and behaviours.

Same with depression.  Dull it, deny it or deaden it with medication.

But what if grief and depression were our nuggets of gold and the making of us,

rather than rubble and the breaking of us?

And what if the grief that comes from death, disability, divorce, abuse, infertility, miscarriages or any other changes in our lives…was actually a gift, nor a grievous mistake.

When we’re grieving, what’s really important in life suddenly becomes more crystal clear, when previously we may have sat in confusion or lack of clarity.   Regret, lost time, sadness and unfulfilled dreams make what we want, crave or would die for all the more obvious.  In fact, grief can re-ignite a lost spark within us and spur us on to live life how we would like it, not how we’ve been living it to date.

When we’re grieving, our emotional state is in overwhelm and exaggerated – not falsely or wrongly, but in authenticity of who we really are and what we are really feeling.  Is that not powerful when it comes to the possible potency of our creative juices?  Imagine the art, the music and creative gifts that have been, and will continue to be unwrapped in the state and grace of grief.

And in grief, who comes to comfort us?  It is in those early moments, we know who are true friends are and their qualities that make them special.  Surrounded by people who care in that initial time in grief is priceless. Surrounding ourselves more long-term after that initial period of grief where people rally around, is also a gift, because who we formerly associated with, may not be ideally who we would choose to travel the rest of our life with.

And what of the learning and growth that has come from journeying through grief?  What have we learned?  What has this experience opened us up to that we would never have experienced or dived into before?  What new interesting avenues has it taken us down?  What judgement have we learned to put aside?

And often the gift of grief is that it takes us beyond ourselves into a different realm of existence, a different realm of faith or a brand new relationship with something greater than ourselves, because we may feel un-resourced without that extra “force” within us. Our spiritual fortitude is tested.  Our inner strength and resourcefulness is given wings. And even in those moments of complete devastation, pain and agony, we dig deep within ourselves like never before.

The gold is in the grief.







10 reasons for women to get out of overwhelm, juggling and imbalance

By | body love & body image, health & well-being, women's life changes and transitions, Written Articles | No Comments

Are you a woman who’s experiencing overwhelm, juggling, exhaustion and imbalance? Here’s 10 reasons for YOU to get out of stress, overwhelm and heartache and get YOUR spark back.

Why join the somebody beautiful movement of women?
1. Because you deserve to be up your priority list.
2. Because being busy “superwoman” is exhausting and often unfulfilling.
3. Because being a vibrant woman is highly attractive.
4. Because it’s no point or fun “doing it all on your own.”
5. Because hating your body is draining. In fact it’s downright painful and harmful.
6. Because going at someone’s speed or trying to be like them isn’t helpful.
7. Because holding onto old pain and secrets keeps you stuck, unwell and unhappy.
8. Because indulging in your real desires gives you energy.
9. Because self-love, body confidence and intimate love energises you to go out and love life.
10. Because you get back your sense of purpose and can make your difference in the world.

Which 3 of these 10 ideas resonate with you the most? Share on the somebody beautiful community facebook page.

Want some help to do that or know of women who could really do with a good dose of self-love and body confidence, putting themselves up the list, being less busy , less stressed and being happier and more “in love”?

Here are 3 free ways you can be part of the somebody beautiful movement.
1. Share this post with your women friends and family members today and invite them to head to www.somebodybeautiful.com  and put in their details to be in the draw to win a free somebody beautiful way of living retreat.  While you’re there, check out the success stories / praise from other women!
2. Join our somebody beautiful facebook community for free inspiration and support.
3. Email me  at janelle@janellefletcher.com to book a free 20 minute skype coaching session if you want some help to get your spark back! You will go away from this with a new idea, action step, tip or even answer to what’s up.

Brain fuzz, forgetfulness and the fabulousness of brain re-wiring at mid-life!

By | health & well-being, women's life changes and transitions, Written Articles | No Comments

Are you a capable mid-life woman whose brain sometimes feels like fuzz?

Being in my late 40’s, still menstruating but feeling like I’m transitioning into some new territory, I was relieved the other day to read the wisdom of my favourite woman author, gynaecologist and energy medicine expert Christiane Northrup in her book the Wisdom of Menopause.

Put simply, in midlife, our brain goes “fuzz”.  We forget things.  We feel as if we have lost our mind sometimes.  And yes we undergo mid-life “rewiring”.  Phew, I know I’m not going crazy and it’s just part of the course!

our of order

But “part of the course” to what I ask?

Yes our brain gets rewired due to the changing hormonal climate and that contributes to that mind-fuzz and the emotional curves, outbreaks and anxiety we often feel with greater intensity when we in our late 40’s and early 50’s.  Do smashing glasses, high volume rants and growing impatience sound familiar?  It does for me, and it all feels so out of character!

But the great thing about this (and sometimes terrifying thing for some) is that this change is helping us transition from fitting society’s and family’s demands on us as a woman, to that of our soul’s demands and yearnings to finally tend to ourselves– away from the nurturing of others, to the nurturing of oneself!  Yes “me time” stuff!   But this rewiring is bigger than simply taking a little time out from life’s demands to spending time doing something for YOU.

From the words of Christiane,  “At midlife, the hormonal milieu that was present for only a few days each month during most of your reproductive years, the milieu that was designed to spur you on to re-examine your life just a little at a time, now gets stuck in the “on” position for weeks or months at a time.  We go from an alternating current of inner wisdom to a direct current that remains on all the time after menopause is complete. During menopause, our brains make the change from one way of being to the other.”

It’s a time when our intuition becomes key (because our mind isn’t working!!!) and also a time when a lot of “past” comes up – for better or worse to reexamine (great time to get some supportive coaching!) and we are literally being re-wired for something else – indeed some new territory and perhaps a new way of being.

So what is this new territory?

I like how she Christiane puts it.  “As a woman enters menopause, she steps out of the primarily child-bearing, care-taking role that was hormonally scripted for her life…Rather she become freer to choose where she will direct her creative energies, freer to “colour outside the lines”…Some women funnel this heightened energy into new businesses and new careers.  Some discover and cultivate artistic talents they never knew they had.  Some women note a surge in their sexual desire, to heights never before experienced in their lives.”

So worry about the brain-fuzz or what you have forgotten, or focus on this being a great time to mother yourself, expand your intuitive powers and redefine how you want to spend the next years of your life with more zing and purpose.  It will reveal itself with more clarity…not immediately, but as part of that journey.

Slowing down. Who me? What would others think?

By | health & well-being, relationships, intimacy & sex, self esteem & self confidence, Written Articles | No Comments

own rhythms


I’m so in love with this quote that really talks about living to the beat of our own drum.  Going at a pace that suits us, not someone else’s.  Taking on stuff that we want to do, not what we feel we have to do.  Slowing down sometimes, or perhaps even all of the time.

Already I can feel the guilt that might be circulating around your mind and your body when you think about abandoning your superwoman cape for a more peaceful, restful and more energized way of living.

Yes, as women, there is so much pressure to be on supercharge all of the time – at home, with your family, in your business and of course all of those other roles and activities you have accumulated and still “hold onto” lest you been seen to be unproductive or even downright lazy!

Yes society rewards us for being busy, but busy-ness has its consequences.

Busyness and not living to the beat of our own drum impacts our body as it collapses in a heap or gets sick to finally take some welcomed “time out”.

  • Busyness denies us of getting close and intimate with people we care about. They are often “hanging out” for our company but we deny them of such preciousness, preferring to keep our apron on and “head down butt up” way of doing things.
  • Busyness denies us of enjoying pleasures that we would desperately love to do.  Why is that we put so-called “work” up the list well and truly before things we love to do and that would make us sing?
  • So how about taking some time out of your busy day to comtemplate these three questions?
  1. How do I feel about saying “no” doing less and/or relinquishing some of my “responsibilities”?
  2. What are the benefits to me and others and to my health, confidence, life….of doing less?
  3. What activities, people and things am I prepared to let go of to give me more time, energy, balance and life satisfaction?

Here’s to slowing down to a pace that feels right for you!

If you love what you’ve been reading, Living to the Beat of your own Rhythms is one of the Somebody Beautiful way of living lessons in a 12 week online retreat and/or retreat plus VIP coaching programme.

You can start anytime, from anywhere.   Love yourself enough to get started today.   www.janellefletcher.com/thank-you 

With heartaches & pain, is acceptance or change easier?

By | body love & body image, health & well-being, manifesting & abundance, relationships, intimacy & sex, spirituality, women's life changes and transitions, Written Articles | No Comments

My partner, the other night, came out with something profound. “Sometimes it’s easier to change, than accept the situation.”

Referring to the situation where his wife left him suddenly for another man and the devastating pain he went through afterwards and the subsequent time and healing that has occurred and is still ocurring, he came out with this gem.

Being a Taurus, he’s a change-maker. He sees something that needs done or that needs “fixing” and he’s off like a bull at a gate. Being more of a doer, and less of a sentimental, “fall into a heap type” person, this profound revelation is very much him. For you it might not seem quite that easy, but I do think there’s some gold in here for all of us.

Somethings we cannot easily accept a situation, but we can take even the “incy-wincy” steps to change something and that very step may, in fact, be easier.  How about these examples.

You feel fat, and perhaps you are indeed a little on the “porky” side.

Not accepting that “fact” means you might stay in constant angst, keep up the self-belittling, be in pain, deny yourself of going out and doing what you want to do, exhaust your mental energy…(and the list goes on!) when in fact a small focus on change might be more productive and more satisfying.  A simple walk, a glass of nourishing smoothie rather than a piece of cake, a change in belief, a phone call with a mentor or a new yoga class that would fill your soul might be better.

Your man/partner/lover has just left you or you’re about to throw in the towel on a relationship.

Feeling and knowing your soul’s yearning for love, it might indeed by difficult to accept the fact that your partner has gone (and “done what he’s done!” I can hear you saying!) or to accept that despite the logistics or reasons for staying in the relationship, you know your soul is calling you to end it.  Difficult to accept?  Yes.  But change might in fact be easier.  That step of change might be, for you, surrounding yourself with some positive friends, upping your self-care and self love rituals, honouring the good, bad and uglies of the relationship and forgiving your self first and foremost for a part you may have played in the situation.  Initiating change starts with “I’, not “H” for him!

You have been through some body change or transition.  eg. mastectomy, losing your hair, disability, changing body function, menopausal changes, aging… For a women, her body is her temple, and for the temple to change, this can often feel like a sobering and very deep and even sacred scarring. Yes, by all means grieve for what has been.  Yes by all means, find new ways of loving and appreciating who you are and what you do have.  And yes, be in gratitude for the amazing way your body adapts to it its changing nature or function.  These are all steps of change in fact, which may one day allow gradual acceptance to shine through those difficult day moments of darkness.

The word change, intrinsically, holds the “charge” or energy of shift, movement, and a state of flux or even imbalance.  But maybe you’re afraid of change, and therefore just go into “accepting mode” or perhaps more aptly put “victim mode” or “I’ll lay the blame on someone or something else for the way my life looks”.  This acceptance of what has been an intolerable or perhaps a purely unpleasant situation without taking some proactive steps to climb out of “what was” to “what can be” can be damn difficult, debilitating or damaging to your spirit.

What are you choosing?  Acceptance or change?




How to meet (or leave!) your soul mate! (Part One!)

By | manifesting & abundance, relationships, intimacy & sex, self esteem & self confidence, Written Articles | No Comments

I have this uncanny ability to meet soul mates. In fact I’ve met 2, perhaps even 4!  But let me start with No. 1!

The day I met my first husband, I knew that I was going to marry him.  Not because I was attracted to him physically or sexually, but he oozed a calmness considering his wife had just been killed and he was a beautiful dad to his 3 girls.  And that first night at the Paul McCartney concert when I met him, the sky literally opened up with diamonds in the final song.  “It’s him!” I heard.  Weird but true.  We got engaged 6 weeks later and married after 6 months.

Lesson No 1.   You may not necessarily be initially attracted to your soul mate, but something within you says “YES”.

After just a few weeks of meeting my soon to be husband, his wife who had died visited me in spirit. Yes my first ever experience of that! She talked to me.  I heard her well as she invited me to take on her children as my own. This felt right in my heart, so I honoured that.

Lesson No 2.   You may hear something from the “divine” realm that says that you are to be with this person.  The “Divine” brings messages in many ways.  Perhaps you have seen this person before, noticed his name, seen a picture of him somewhere or even in a dream, or something that they say “rings a bell” or evokes a memory in you…

After a beautiful partnership and bringing 3 more children into the world, my soul started dying and I knew I had to honour that.  My mind said, “Stay in the marriage” and “I can’t possible do this to my 6 kids”, but my soul knew otherwise.  I left my soul mate after 14 years of marriage because I could no longer be “soul-dead”, nor could I inflict my low energy, lack of love and intimacy and such unfairness on my husband.

Lesson 3.   We can also care about someone but still leave that soul mate partnership, because we care about ourselves AND them!  Sometimes leaving is actually an act of love.

Let’s back up a minute.  A few months before leaving my marriage, I went for healing to help me make the transition out of my marriage and “break-up” of the family easier on everyone. Fully relaxed, I saw 3 images which made my reason for being in this soul-mate partnership very apparent.  The first image was of a young girl crying out “Mum, don’t leave me!”  My youngest daughter who was the same age came to mind.  We are very connected and perhaps she already knew something was about to occur.  The second image was that of an American woman Joni Earickson- who had a spinal injury and was a fabulous singer.  In fact I used to play her “Christian” songs on the piano as I was growing up.  It was apparent that what was being revealed was not about my youngest daughter.  It was of my second daughter who I took on as my own and who had suffered a spinal injury in the same crash.  The third image was the sound and words of one of Joni’s songs which I used to play.  “It is well with my soul.”

My message was there!   “Janelle, you were there in that soul-partnership to bring up those 3 girls you had taken on as your own, bring them into adulthood and it is now “well with their souls”.  As I left my marriage, the third of those girls chose to leave home unexpectantly, but divinely lead I believe.

Lesson 4.   We are in soul-partnerships for a certain amount of time and for a certain reason.  Sometimes that reason is only revealed in hindsight.

So on leaving my marriage, I was humbled to my car, my 6 kids (3 at home still) and $1000.  It was the year of the recession.  Single womanhood was new to me and it lasted 6 years until I found my new soul mate (or might I add that I met one in between!)  That’s another story…(so keep following!).  But here’s the final lesson for today.

Lesson 5.  Sometimes we have to have time on our own  and do the “hard yards” for our new soul mate to come in Divine timing and for the Diving reason.  Learning self love (unreliant on love from someone else) in the meantime is often the “soul calling” that you need to learn.   A hard lesson, but an incredibly important one.  More on that later in my next blog!

If you are single (or even in a partnership, and/or perhaps even wanting to leave) and these lessons have resonated with you today, my somebody beautiful coaching and/or retreat could be something for you – because the foundations of my work with you is self love, spiritual connection, soul nourishment, listening to your body and your gut and having passion in your life….all of the juicy stuff that can bring your soul partner to you!   Check out www.somebodybeautiful.com and feel free to email me at janelle@janellefletcher.com  for a complimentary 20 minute skype session to get you started.

Visit someBODY BEAUTIFUL’s profile on Pinterest.

Do women really want to be in love?

By | body love & body image, relationships, intimacy & sex, Written Articles | No Comments

Do you think women say that want to be in love, but truthfully they don’t really want love, relationship and intimacy and what that takes, or they’ve simply given up on “finding or falling in love”? Seems ironic but I start to wonder sometimes.  So a question to you:

What is the hardest thing about being in love or considering a loving relationship again? This can be an observation about others – your girlfriends, female family members, colleague… or of course your own valuable experience and opinion.

Here a few of my ideas as starters.

  1. Women struggle often with loving their body, so how the hang do they feel comfortable sharing it in a more intimate relationship?
  2. Love requires time and presence. Many women are simply too busy and stressed and prioritise other things.
  3. Many women settle for second best and tolerate that kind of relationship. Not a great rock to sit on and it’s often the rock that stays in the way of finding an awesome relationship/partner/love experience that you would really feel excited by.
  4. Social media and dating sites set up a “you’re for me or not for me” game where you feel like you’re a number to be judged and :”flicked off”. It’s often debilitating and it’s easier hiding in the four walls.
  5. Being in an authentic relationship is not always easy. Having honest open discussions can bring up all sorts of stuff to look at in yourself. Relationships are not for the feint-hearted.

    What else ladies? And gentlemen?

10 reasons for women to get out of overwhelm, juggling and imbalance

By | health & well-being, self esteem & self confidence, women's life changes and transitions, Written Articles | No Comments

Are you a woman who’s experiencing overwhelm, juggling, exhaustion and imbalance? Here’s 10 reasons for YOU to get out of stress, overwhelm and heartache and get YOUR spark back.

Why join the somebody beautiful movement of women?
1. Because you deserve to be up your priority list.
2. Because being busy “superwoman” is exhausting and often unfulfilling.
3. Because being a vibrant woman is highly attractive.
4. Because it’s no point or fun “doing it all on your own.”
5. Because hating your body is draining. In fact it’s downright painful and harmful.
6. Because going at someone’s speed or trying to be like them isn’t helpful.
7. Because holding onto old pain and secrets keeps you stuck, unwell and unhappy.
8. Because indulging in your real desires gives you energy.
9. Because self-love, body confidence and intimate love energises you to go out and love life.
10. Because you get back your sense of purpose and can make your difference in the world.

Which 3 of these 10 ideas resonate with you the most? Share on the somebody beautiful community facebook page.

Want some help to do that or know of women who could really do with a good dose of self-love and body confidence, putting themselves up the list, being less busy , less stressed and being happier and more “in love”?

Here are 3 free ways you can be part of the somebody beautiful movement.
1. Share this post with your women friends and family members today and invite them to head to www.somebodybeautiful.com  and put in their details to be in the draw to win a free somebody beautiful way of living retreat.  While you’re there, check out the success stories / praise from other women!
2. Join our somebody beautiful facebook community for free inspiration and support.
3. Email me  at janelle@janellefletcher.com to book a free 20 minute skype coaching session if you want some help to get your spark back! You will go away from this with a new idea, action step, tip or even answer to what’s up.

5 ways to be a happy and energised mum again!

By | health & well-being, manifesting & abundance, relationships, intimacy & sex, self esteem & self confidence, Written Articles | No Comments

“When you become a mother, YOU go out the door!” is what I heard her say with her body looking a little exhausted and her eyes looking a little despairingly as she made this comment.

“Going out the door!” meant that she no longer has time for herself, she runs ragged after her children and possibly her husband, she juggles work and home life commitments and she’s possibly last in the “money-to-be spent-on-one’s-own-pleasures” queue.

Being a mother of many myself with my inbuilt wiring to care, this running around, rescuing and running ragged tendency often left me feeling shattered – often with a slight glassy edge to this feeling of exhaustion mixed with a pinch of envy and resentment.  I also craved some validation or a would-be-welcomed “Hey, let’s do something for you!” sentiment from those around me.

This woman even mentioned that she hadn’t got anything for her birthday for some time apart from someone who spontaneously gave her something.  My response was this.

WE teach people how to treat us. Stop blaming them!

Ouch!  Yes, we are often the reason that we are not up the queue.  If you feel like you “went out the door” when you became a mother, what have you been teaching your nearest and dearest about how to treat you? And are you not more gorgeous when you have passion and energy in your tank?

Here are some typical things we as mothers and lovers say and do.

  • We declare, “Oh, don’t worry about getting me a present! It’s OK!” when we would love the gift of our wildest dreams and be pampered till we felt heavenly.
  • We sign our kids up for yet another sport or activity – making sure we’ve scraped together the money, while we continue to have no interest of our own, nor pay for even the smallest indulgence we would love. What does that teach our nearest and dearest?
  • We watch hubby head off for Friday or Saturday night’s drinks with his mates and stay once again in the “roost” caring for the kids, dog or four walls. What would stop us asking for a “date night”?
  • We put intimacy aside for other exhausting, juggling and busy activities thinking they’re more urgent. Imagine what fire we’d have in our belly again if we felt truly and intimately loved and loving!
  • We eat the last piece of cake, if and only when there is some left. (Literally and figuratively I might add!)

So what are some ways we can piece ourselves back together as mothers to feel whole, happy, energised and feeling like we count?

  • Say “no” to one thing this week for someone else, and say “yes” to one thing for you.
  • Dress well for no special reason. It always makes us feel good.  Today I’ve wandered around my little “farm” with my loveliest new dress on. In fact I purchased it from the shop where I met this woman who inspired this writing!  In honour to you my darling!
  • Re-ignite an interest this week (let’s call it an A.D activity = After Delivery (babies!) – an activity or pleasure that has been extinguished for a while, or perhaps not enjoyed since B.C. (Before Children)
  • Wear your loveliest of perfume even when you go to bed. Nothing like feeling indulgent, pleasured, and less than bedraggled when you flop into bed.  Sensual things make all the difference to our mood and energy!
  • Stop the blame game and know that YOU’re the piece in the puzzle that will piece YOU back together! Happy jig-sawing!


Are you emotionally curvy or a flat-liner?

By | body love & body image, health & well-being, relationships, intimacy & sex, self esteem & self confidence, Uncategorized, women's life changes and transitions, Written Articles | No Comments

We are being told to embrace our womanly curves, but when it comes to emotions, we are expected to be constant – or I call it a “straight line” or perhaps a better word is “flat-lined”.

Our partners may get confronted by our curvy emotional ups and downs and our kids may not understand us when we swing from the chandalier of occasional mood outbursts. (usually pre-empted by dampening our emotions or personal needs, ignoring them or blocking their expression!)  Our workplace reminds us to “keep everything together” and get on with the job at hand and society tells us to dampen our “curvy” menstrual cycle (yes it’s a cycle, not a straight line!) with contraceptives, medical treatments or other means to get rid of the “problem”.

Why would we deny us and our lives of our curves and cycles?  How boring is life when we are flat-lined?   What would joy look like if we hadn’t experienced the enormity of grief and change?  What would happen to our relationships should we stay on “mediocre heat” rather than burn with a little passion and teeter in a little non-passion now and then?  And I know for sure, that many women’s health complaints – particularly related to fertility, menopause, depression, unhappiness, exhaustion….and the list goes on – there is often an imbalance created by trying to be constantly driving, striving, achieving, in control and all with a constant smile on our face, even when we are quietly seething underneath, feeling less than productive, less than successful or with no juice in the tank.

Take nature, for example.  We enjoy summer even more following a cold winter.  We can’t go surfing if there is only an in-rush of the tide and not an out-going one.  We have a day and a night for a reason. One to get us out there “making hay while the sun shines” and another to not be so out there, unless of course you’re doing a great night out dancing or celebrating!

Our menstrual cycle is in two phases too. And by crikey, why are we not listening to this gorgeous natural guidance?  After our period, it’s time to get out there, meet people and get things done.(very oestrogen dominant – in my mind the more masculine of the two key hormones oestrogen and progesterone.)  The second phase is after ovulation (your fertile time) and this phase offers you the time to go back into the “nest” a little, be a little less giving to others and more receptive ourselves and it’s the time to really take notice of those heightened, and some might say out of control emotions!  They may feel out of control, but jeepers they are giving you such clarity about what is and isn’t going well in your life.  What better life coach can you get?  Take notice of what those emotions are saying for you to act upon, let go of, start, finish or heal…and they will come up less next time round to “bite you in the bum,” and life will feel a whole lot happier when you use those monthly wake-up calls to guide you into what to do/not do.  And for many women, their PMT, menstrual, menopausal and women’s health issues also start to wane.

So 4 more observations I have had lately about emotional curves.

  1. If we are someone with really high and low emotions and we are in partnership with someone who is flat-lined, we don’t often “meet” / connect.  Food for thought.
  2. High and low emotional states need not be scary, if you reframe them as a great guidance system.
  3. Emotions get let out/expressed somehow even if you are a flat-liner.  Non-expression of emotions is like shaking up a bottle of coke and not taking the lid off.  One day it will spew over everyone, or otherwise stay under wraps by being dampened down by some mind-numbing, body-numbing and probably soul-numbing substance or activity.
  4. People don’t spend enough time in the heightened and very natural emotions of joy, exhilaration, burning passion, ecstasy, desire, pride…

So here’s to embracing my curves!  And you?