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body love & body image

Perfect as you are in all of your unique colour and glory

By | body love & body image, self esteem & self confidence, Written Articles | No Comments

Perfect as you are in all of your unique colour and glory

Have a POD – Point Of Difference, rather than trying to be yet another green pea, which is very boring and takes a lot of effort. Just be happy expressing the beautiful colourful pea you are. Each colour in its purest and unique form is needed to create the spectrum of light. So too it is with people. We need all sorts, with all of their colourful personalities, looks and capabilities to live, learn, grow and find harmony. You are perfect as you are and you would do others and yourself a disfavour to be different to who you REALLY are. How are you different and unique? How can you love that in you?

Soul nourishing with the right exercise, not the wrong exercise

By | body love & body image, health & well-being, manifesting & abundance, relationships, intimacy & sex, self esteem & self confidence, Written Articles | One Comment


Recently in my women’s group, we looked at our wants, desires and urges for 2014. We termed it Soul Nourishment and looked at activities, rituals, people, events, things…..that help nourish us and make us feel REALLY good, at peace, nourished, filled up – or I like to call it “fulfilled up”.  (PS. When we fulfill ourselves us with such soul nourishment, we don[‘t have to fill up with things from the fridge!)

We reminded ourselves that  life changes, our situation changes and our body’s, heart’s and soul’s needs change so we need to align and resonate and activate those urges. Sitting quietly and connecting with our Divine perspective, we asked our heart, body and soul what it wanted….and asked for specifics.

For me one was exercise – not unusual at all for me, but what was interesting, was that my body was asking for more regular exercise that makes me sweat. Yes I walk and have done so for some time, but not generally to the degree of a good hard sweat.   I immediately thought perhaps I was being asked to run – which actually doesn’t “rock my boat”, so I was surprised this morning when I got out my yoga DVD’s after a year of absence in my life, that I burst out in a hot sweat – which actually felt more like a hot, blissful flush and calmed me.  this is what I will now focus on and enjoy. Exercise does not need to be vigorous.  What is more important it to find what resonates and brings you the feelings and experiences that fill your soul.

In the past too, my body has wanted calming exercise walking the beaches. This time my soul was asking me to venture out in my walking to other places away from where I was beginning to feel bored, disconnected and unmotivated. I am committed now to finding new tracks, new pathways and new avenues to place my feet.

I feel the urge to exercise more often now with others as my exercise in the past year had been quite an isolated affair, which had its purpose, but kept me away from the intimacy and relationship with others. I will now call a friend more regularly to enjoy with me my “sweat-inducing”, “different landscapes”, “connecting-with-people” form of moving my body!

What else was on my Soul nourishment menu?  Language – more French….basking in the charm, ambience and french-speaking arena. More wholesome cooking – learning about, and using more ingredients I am unfamiliar with and cooking with my man more often – having it not just as a cooking and eating experience, but as a “relationship” developer too.  The continued “feel-good” factor of my charity contribution…..and many other things.

What will be on your Soul Nourishment menu this year?  Be in touch through my someBODY BEAUTIFUL community on facebook if you want some help with that or through my website www.janellefletcher.com .

Knowing how great we are opens the doors to a great 2014

By | body love & body image, manifesting & abundance, self esteem & self confidence, Written Articles | No Comments

We cannot imagine great possibilities and manifest an abundance of things in bucket loads opening up in our lives (rather than teaspoonfuls that we often ask for!)  till we really have the image of ourselves that is one of GREATNESS, MARVELLOUSNESS, BEAUTY, DESERVINGNESS and a DIVINE PERSPECTIVE of who we are.  I call this Source Perspective, rather than Self Perspective that is often judgemental, critical and an un-abundant being-ness..  “Source” for you might mean your own divininity. It may mean God.  It might mean the perspective of a soul who has loved you who has passed.  It could even be your angel(s). It could be the essence of your soul speaking it’s truth.  The way to access this Source perspective is to be silent and listen. Yesterday with an extraordinary group of women, we did just this.  We sat is stillness and in silence.  We focussed and connected with our Source – for many this was someone special to them who had passed,  We played the fabulous version of “You are so beautiful” by Joe Cocker and we sat and received messages, words and images from our loved ones that reminded us of the greatness of who we are, the potential within us and the possibilities that are open to us in 2014.,  We were inevitably moved to tears by the profoundness of this experience in the knowing that we are being looked after in 2014.  It helped us access our soul desires for this year, not just make mind-based resolutions to work at!  It reminded us we are not alone in the journey of this year to come. Our access point to having a great year ahead is in our silent space and connection to our Source.  We need not worry, but instead be open to being lead to the places, activities and people that will further our growth, and us to them.


Outrageous Possibilities rather than New Year’s resolutions

By | body love & body image, health & well-being, manifesting & abundance, relationships, intimacy & sex, self esteem & self confidence, Written Articles | No Comments

I don’t make New Year’s resolutions.  Goals are also not really my thing either as often we give up half way through and then feel a failure.  Instead, at the beginning of each New Year and regularly throughout the year, I add to my OUTRAGEOUS POSSIBILITIES list.  To write this I sit quietly in a place that I love and feel comfortable in, listen to myself breathe, focus on my heart and ask out loud, “What outrageous possibilities are open to me this year?”
blue heartInstead of listening to my mind, I listen to whatever comes into my awareness.  Sometimes very tangible things arrive.  Sometimes, very random things arrive.  Sometimes little things pop in.  Other times seemingly impossible things come.  I judge nothing, but write everything.  Sometimes it is an activity, event or situation that I write down. Other times it is people, known or unknown who I might meet. It may also be a quality or value that I will focus on throughout the year.

These OUTRAGEOUS POSSIBILITIES become my focus for the year, not as a tick off box, but more as an observation post.   It is not about focussing on the “goal”, the prize or the outcome, it is about simply noticing what is attracted into my life.  It is not about judging it as good, bad, right, wrong or something else.  It is about knowing that when I come from this heart and soul space, rather than a goal-orientated mind/head space….that I feel nourished at a soul level, that I feel at peace no matter whether a “goal” has been accomplished or not, and feel reassured that life is perfect just as it is in what it is providing me and what I am offering life itself.[polldaddy poll=7683275]

Frolic in your sea of difference

By | body love & body image, health & well-being, manifesting & abundance, relationships, intimacy & sex, self esteem & self confidence, Written Articles | No Comments

“Your greatest success is frolic-ing in the sea of difference, not floating in the sea of sameness”

Too many people buy into culture’s pressures to look, be and do the same as everyone else..  Find something in yourself today that is different about you.  Confidently honour, celebrate and love that difference.  Share that difference with someone today.

Send in a comment as to what frolic-ing in your sea of difference you did today.  It could be you shared a skill, talent, personality trait, gesture of kindness, habit or routine or did something quite out of the ordinary for you or others..


My frolic-ing today was this:    I chose to lie in the sun today without guilt, while others were working!!