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This week I have encountered many people have been dealing with a lot of s***.  My acronym for s*** is this:

  • S…eriously
  • H…ard
  • I…nviting me to hide under the duvet
  • T…roubles


Some have been dealing with troubles in the financial arena. Some have been standing under the relationship umbrella – none, bad or wishful thinking scenario. Others have been tired mothers or busy women juggling a zillion tasks and the things that go along with parenting or caring for elderly parents.  Another was struggling with how to be herself in relationship when she feels like she is often being knocked down.  Another was dealing with the prospect of taking someone to court for sexual violation and what that would entail for her.  Some were complaining about physical complaints and their body’s changes in perimenopause.

Two common threads I see in all of this is CHANGE and IDENTITY.

CHANGE in that the situation is calling for us to adapt, modify, re-evaluate, try something new, resource ourselves, reprioritise and renew something.

IDENTITY in that we are being called to really challenge ourselves on the strength of who we are, the abilities and skills we each have, our determination and commitment to be valued and an opportunity to put our needs, wants and desires at the forefront.

So I am thinking on the spot here and perhaps can change the S*** acronym to something empowering.  Here goes!

S…ource yourself with an ally – friend, coach, Spirit, God, angel, mentor, accountability partner, church, support group or someone who can really help you.  Stop trying to do it “all on your own”. Another “S’ is STOP.  In the busyness and bedlam, we will not get our answers. In our stillness and silence, we will.

H…ave the commitment to align yourself with ways and approaches that fit who YOU really are. If the medical route doesn’t feel right, try something alternative.  If loaning money from your parents doesn’t feel right, find another means by getting inventive.  If you normally wouldn’t ask for something out of fear, embarrassment or you “simply don’t know something”, empower yourself by asking for what you need to move ahead strongly. If you want to make change in the world for you and others, stand up and have your voice.  If speed-dating or internet dating isn’t your thing, mix and mingle in groups that share a common interest with you.

I…nvite change into your life as a friend, not an enemy.  There is nothing more inevitable than change in our lives, yet more often than not, we tend to see the dark side, rather than the light.  Questions to ask ourselves, rather than fretting, worrying or wishing a magic wand could be waved over us could be these. “What gains and “positives” is this change bringing into my life?”  “How can I nurture and nourish myself as I go through this experience in my life?”

T…rust.  This has to be the biggest “biggie” for me that I have learned through some very difficult times. Trusting in the perfection of the “highs” and “lows”, trusting the perfection of Mr Right and Mr Not so Right.  Trusting that the health problem is asking you to re-address how you deal with your emotions, care for your body or nourish your soul.  Trusting that sometimes the financial pit is the starting point for getting inventive and creating your own change for the better.

So side-step the s*** and clean-up your act a little.  On that note, the sun is shining so I’m heading outside to nourish my soul!