Reading an issue of MindFood yesterday (one of my Christmas pressies to self) I came across a title, “I don’t want to grow younger. I want to grow my beautiful.” I might add that I want to embrace,more than ever, my feminine after years of being far more “practical” in my attire, my work, my schedule and daily routine.
Nearing my 50th this year, life is pretty good, exciting and pretty pleasurable. And I am feeling good about me and my body. Yes it is aging somewhat – or should I simply call it chaging (a.k.a changing)? And yes there is loads on the market to have me looking ever-so-slightly less wrinkled or less”saggy”, but inevitably the age counter is always counting.
But despite that, we can look, feel and grow more beautiful – not just visibly from the outside, but allowing what’s inside to shine. In fact, I believe there is nothing more alluring, magnetic, charming and irresistible when we shine our feminine and when we allow our soul to sing. Graceful Aging, I call it. So what can have us radiating extraordinary beauty as we get older? Let’s talk about 3 S’s today.
A Stillness practice There are countless studies about the effect of stress, negative thinking and the cumulative effect of a busy lifestyle on our cells that are aging, so it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that when we reduce the amount of stress, and increase our stillness practices that our cells stay more “youthful” and vibrant. Serenity also shows itself in our appearance. That slower, calmer, more relaxed look is definitely more “youthful” than an agitated, angry or stressed disposition.
Embracing your Sexual and Sensual nature No, this is not just about having more sex – the act, because quite frankly, that is not always on tap, nor sometimes desirable for whatever reason. Saying that, research does tell us that fabulous love-making (or self-exploration a.k.a masturbation) is natural “make-up” giving your skin a great glow among other benefits. I would however also like to refocus the word SEX to that of Self EXpression – conscious moving, posturing, breathing, dancing, creating, using your voice and titillating your senses with gorgeous smells, sights, textures, sensations and sounds. When we are “lit up” at that very sacred, sacral, sexual and sensual level, we vibrate beauty that is beyond just our outer appearance and our age.
Soul Food So much is focussed these days on what food we should and shouldn’t be eating to keep us looking young, fit and fab! Yes there is some merit in eating nutritiously. But I believe our body knows what it needs and doesn’t need if we only listened to it. But equally, if not more importantly, we need to feed our soul cravings. What’s your soul crying out for? Is it demanding you give up your stressful job and start a project you are really passionate about? Is it asking for more music, dancing or creative outlets? It is saying “feed me” some more adventures? Is it asking you to ditch some people in your life who “age” you, and to seek companions who love seeing you lit up and who keep you feeling young at heart? Don’t just attend to what goes in your belly. Start feeding your soul.
A soul that sings and a smile on your face is the language of beauty.
If you love this wisdom, why not share with a friend? And how about leaving a comment on what you are going to do to look, feel and grow more beautiful?
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