I’m so in love with this quote that really talks about living to the beat of our own drum. Going at a pace that suits us, not someone else’s. Taking on stuff that we want to do, not what we feel we have to do. Slowing down sometimes, or perhaps even all of the time.
Already I can feel the guilt that might be circulating around your mind and your body when you think about abandoning your superwoman cape for a more peaceful, restful and more energized way of living.
Yes, as women, there is so much pressure to be on supercharge all of the time – at home, with your family, in your business and of course all of those other roles and activities you have accumulated and still “hold onto” lest you been seen to be unproductive or even downright lazy!
Yes society rewards us for being busy, but busy-ness has its consequences.
Busyness and not living to the beat of our own drum impacts our body as it collapses in a heap or gets sick to finally take some welcomed “time out”.
- Busyness denies us of getting close and intimate with people we care about. They are often “hanging out” for our company but we deny them of such preciousness, preferring to keep our apron on and “head down butt up” way of doing things.
- Busyness denies us of enjoying pleasures that we would desperately love to do. Why is that we put so-called “work” up the list well and truly before things we love to do and that would make us sing?
- So how about taking some time out of your busy day to comtemplate these three questions?
- How do I feel about saying “no” doing less and/or relinquishing some of my “responsibilities”?
- What are the benefits to me and others and to my health, confidence, life….of doing less?
- What activities, people and things am I prepared to let go of to give me more time, energy, balance and life satisfaction?
Here’s to slowing down to a pace that feels right for you!
If you love what you’ve been reading, Living to the Beat of your own Rhythms is one of the Somebody Beautiful way of living lessons in a 12 week online retreat and/or retreat plus VIP coaching programme.
You can start anytime, from anywhere. Love yourself enough to get started today. www.janellefletcher.com/thank-you