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Should I stay or should I go?

By December 13, 2021Uncategorized

This current pandemic palaver is igniting a spark in some of us to take back our power and shine according to our own truth, not what we hear from the media or are expected to conform to.   It’s time to get out of confusion and into clarity.

So why not see this crazy time in the history of the world as your perfect moment to become an initiator of how your future will play out, rather than be the initiated, the blind follower or the victim.  Be a leader of your life, not a follower.

But what does it take to know you’re on the right track and take the appropriate actions?

  • Sit quietly, ask that burning question and sit with what intuitively feels right. The answer may seem random, but that response is often the right one.  My intuition typically comes as a visceral tingle (goosebumps).  For others, they may hear an answer.  Others may see it in visible signs. How does your intuition show itself?
  • Notice your body’s reactions to each option that you might be considering in any situation. Discover and differentiate your body cues for a “yes” or a “hell no.”   Is it a stomach cramp, heart palpitation, sweating, a light tingle or a wave of dread or delight…?
  • Do you own research (rather than simply listening to others) across a wide spectrum of resources or internet sites. Mainstream media runs a narrative, often as a “bought out identity” or a “bureaucratic payoff.”  Sample some alternative ideas from people you wouldn’t normally interact wtih and see how those fit with you. (or not!)
  • Ask yourself “what do I actually wish to see and have in my world?” and make decisions consistent with that vision.  If it feels wrong, don’t do it.  If it feels right, take the next step.
  • Be prepared to walk away.  I recently lost my job because of my stand.  Common sense would say, “stay there, you need that job and you don’t have other immediate ways to make money….”, but my trust factor and committment to what feels right  is stronger than grasping onto so-called security.
  • Speak your truth aloud – to yourself (as strong intentions and affirmations) and to others as a great example and role-model to follow one’s truth.

So what burning question do you currently have for your life?  And using the above suggestions, what’s sitting as true?  What therefore, is also your next action step?