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Why dealing with conflict is easy for someBODY BEAUTIFUL

accept myself

Many people find it difficult to be the one that “rocks the boat”, creates some waves or perhaps even causes a storm. Why?  It is not because they don’t have an opinion or something they hold as important, valid or needed to be said.  It is more often that they don’t want to appear unkind, uncaring or disapproved of.  They value others’ approval, more than their own honest self expression. Picture this.

  • A mother wants to get her kids to clean up after themselves, but she ends up doing it for them and then feels resentful, if not outraged.  She huffs around the house, rather than saying something.
  • An adult child returns to the nest, but doesn’t really pay his/her way. The parent feels taken for granted but feels scared to address the issue.
  • Something happens at work and everyone keeps tight-lipped or scared to speak up for fear of losing their job or being treated unfairly.
  • A woman does not like how she is being treated in her relationship, but she continues to tolerate such behaviour in fear that her response will cause a reaction.
  • Someone goes along with what the mainstream do, but quietly and intuitively they know better.

someBODY BEAUTIFUL in contrast,

  • comes from a place of self approval, rather than trusting someone else’s appraisal of them.
  • values honest self-expression because she is committed to fully being herself.
  • knows her own needs, desires and pleasures and has those on the top of her priority list so her “tank is full”.  No-one can take things from her “fullness”.
  • knows she has something to on-offer others by sharing what is important to her.  Her “making waves’ might create needed change inter-personally and also in the world around her.
  • speaks her truth because that is more important for her health and well-being than hiding or suppressing her ideas. She speaks intentionally, not reactively.
  • has compassion for others, but doesn’t molly-coddle, play martyr, victim or other disempowered roles, and she desires that others be the best they can be as well.
  • knows that other people’s behaviour and actions have nothing to do with her so she doesn’t take their reaction personally.
  • practices excellent self care.
  • practices so much self love that even if the harshest of stones are thrown at her, she will not die in the process.

Here’s to actively creating some waves, to create some inner peace and change our world.